So much …

So much has happened this last month … I don’t even know where to start.

First thing is that Gerry’s Dad passed away. He had been battling cancer for a long time and we lost him on Jan 2nd. Richard was a really lovely father-in-law. He was kind and generous and I see a lot of Richard in my husband who is also kind and generous.

Gerry’s Dad was diagnosed about a year and a 1/2 before I was. The hardest part about going through my cancer treatment was knowing that I was keeping Gerry away from spending more time with his Dad. Gerry’s parents live on the mainland and it takes 3-4 hours in the car (and ferry) to get from here to there and back again and there were times that I was so unwell I couldn’t travel but once the worst of the chemo was over – Gerry was able to sneak over on his motorcycle and visit.

Once I recovered from my chemo/radiation and that horrible Tamoxifen debacle – we were able to go over to the mainland quite often. While we all knew that Richard was terminal and we were bracing for the end – it was still a bit of a shock when it happened. We miss him very much.

So this last month has been about trying to keep things mellow. We have been laying low and just rolling with the waves of grief. Some days are easier than others.

Mid-January marks 2 years when I found my lump through a self-check. I am so thankful to the universe for that lightening bolt of pain that I felt that made me go take a good look at my breast.

I wrote about how I found my lump HERE. If you haven’t read it – give it a read and then do me a favour?? Check your breasts. Cancer doesn’t care if you’re Male, Female or Non-Binary. Do it right now. If you don’t know how – check out this graphic and then do it. For me. Check for lumps. If you find anything … go immediately to your doctor.


It’s a weird anniversary for me. I’m so happy to be here, happy and healthy but also still so shell-shocked from everything that’s happened the last 2 years. It’s not easy to process.

This time last year I was recovering from my horrible radiation burns (I won’t give you the link for those. Nobody needs to re-visit what that was like). I was so burned from radiation that I couldn’t wear clothing and I was in much pain and needed something to distract me – so Gerry moved the bed into the living room and we started binge watching LOST. We watched all 121 episodes. Sometimes watching up to 5 a day (ha ha).

Speaking of LOST – Gerry and I are heading to Oahu today!! 🙂 We have some awesome friends with a condo on the island and they are letting us stay there so we can do some much needed recuperating. Gerry has already mapped out all of the LOST set locations that we can visit. Ha ha. We need this.

I wish we could take Fergus with us and go for a month but unfortunately they have strict animal quarantine rules laws – so we will be gone for 9 days while he’s at home with my friend Kolina of Sit & Stay dog sitting. Kolina will Sit & Stay at your house so your dog will be comfortable at home while you’re away. She’s wonderful. 🙂

My other little bit of good news is that I was recruited by one of the Aquafit Instructors to take a course the Y offers to learn how to be an instructor!! WHAT! ME??? So last week I started their Fitness Leadership Training Program.

It’s weird being back in “school” and having to read a text book … I am not great with learning in a classroom. I’m more of a “jump in and do it” learner but so far it’s going ok. They are really amenable to all different kinds of learning types. My goal is to learn how to be an Aquafit Instructor and then volunteer to instruct the Encore Program.

It’s hard to believe that my first Encore was just a year ago! I mentioned this in my last post but cancer treatment can be a very isolating experience and Encore opened a door to physical health and peer support that I never had before. It has given me back my body!! I have never felt so fit and strong!! 🙂 It’s all so damn exciting. Wish me luck!

Now if you’ll excuse me – I have a plane to catch. “We have to get back to the island!!” (LOST reference)

Watch my Instagram feed for photos of our trip! 🙂
I won’t be blogging until I’m back! Aloha!


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2 Responses to So much …

  1. I’m really sorry to hear about Gerry’s dad. Hope you two have a wonderful, restorative holiday.

  2. rose genova says:

    Hi Sarah, I’m not on Facebook but I had to make sure you know that the Luxton Rodeo IS NO MORE!!!!!
    Article on Times Colonist website.
    Have a great vacation, I hope you find lots of delicious vegan food.

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