Woke up to a weird banging sound last night. I thought someone was messing with the car so I looked out the window and that’s when I saw flames shoot out from my neighbours house.

The house is an abandoned crack den that now sits empty and is used by hobos and junkies for all kinds of nefariousness things. I called 911 and the Victoria Fire Dept were here before I hung up the phone. I am so thankful to them for being so quick.

I’m hoping the City of Victoria will finally do something about this derelict house and its slumlord… This could have been a lot worse if I wasn’t a light sleeper. 🙁

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2 Responses to FIRE

  1. Sonya says:

    Hobos Sarah seriously. Some of our brothers and sisters are homeless, some have mental health and addiction issues. I am glad no one was injured. I hope your compassion for animals also extends to the less fortunate in our country too.

    • Sarah says:

      I’m not sure what you’re saying … do you not like the word hobo? I don’t find it particularly offensive. A hobo is defined by the dictionary as a homeless person. It’s not a derogatory term.

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