Hello Kiddlets!
First off… Thanks to everyone who generously bid on my e-bay auction for the SHAC 7. And a big thanks to the anonymous donor who sent me $100 bucks – which I then matched … so add that all up and I will be sending off a cheque for $500 usd on behalf of everyone at GoVegan.net Yay!
Gerry, Fergus and I will be down on Jan 20th for the SHAC 7 art show and fundraiser.
Gerry donated a beautiful painting and there will be work by over 40 artists from around the world up for auction as well as tons of raffle prizes, a vegan bake sale, DJ. and 2 of the defendants will be there to speak. The Auction is at 8pm until 12am at the studio of Merrimac furniture designers (1216 SE Division). Bidding will be between 8 and 9:30pm.
If any of you missed seeing me on my last Portland trip…Please come by and say hi. I’d love to sign your cookbooks or take a photo with you or give you a hug. The auction is going to be amazing… so bring lots of money and get ready to bid!!If you can’t make it but want to donate to the Shac 7 you can visit their website and make a donation there.
That’s it for now. Things are pretty quiet on the home front and I like it that way. I’m just re-charging my creative battery and getting ready for my next big project. I have no idea what that is yet… but you’ll be the first to know. *laugh* Later kids.
Hey Sarah!! 🙂 That is so generous of you to support SHAC 7 like that! Have fun in Oregan! Hugs 🙂
– Emma,
Fellow Victorian
the spare bedroom is clean and awaits your arrival. the previous statement is true, except for the clean part.
You better put on your wrestling tights… cause we’re gonna tussle!