Author Archives: sarah
Fergus is over the snow…
Fergus is over the snow…, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 129 … All the salt on the sidewalks makes for very sore paws. 🙁
Fergus love SNOW!
Fergus love SNOW!, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 128… Nothing makes Fergus spaz out like the snow … 🙂
Snow day!
We don’t normally get a lot of snow in Victoria; so when we do Fergus goes NUTS! I hope it melts by tomorrow … I’m already sick of it.
Fergus no love snow …
Fergus no love snow …, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 127 … Please don’t make me go outside in the snowstorm!!
The Tall and The Short
UGH! It’s snowing outside. Our hot water heater is on the fritz so that means we have NO heat and NO hot water… thank goodness for iphone so I can lay in bed where it’s warm and catch up on … Continue reading
Tat Machine
tatgun, originally uploaded by Gerry Effing Kramer. I found this vintage tattoo machine today while thrift store shopping … it’s for puncturing/tattooing animal ears. 🙁 When I walked into the shop with it Gerry’s eyes just about popped out of … Continue reading
Fergus love Mummy!
I love Mummy!, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 126… Fergus love Mummy!
Momma’s cleaning house!! Everything in my etsy store is 50% off this weekend. Check it out HERE.
Where's Fergus?
Where’s Fergus?, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 115 … I am always amazed at his ability to get “under” things. 😉