I realized I didn’t give some of you enough information. 🙂
I’m out of blogging practice.
I am taking Strattera every single day. My doctor recognized that I am very stimulant sensitive. I’m very sensitive to all medications (if someone is going to have a side effect – it will be me) and things like I can’t drink coffee or I explode is a good indication as well. LOL
She tried me on a child’s dose of Strattera and then we slowly bumped it up. The first thing I noticed about 30 min after taking my pill was that it felt like my brain would “click” and then everything would get REAL quiet. She said that was a good indication that it was working for me.
I have to take these meds with food or it gives me a bad stomachache so I make sure to have a good dense breakfast – usually All Bran type cereal (to help offset constipation). 🙂
The first 3 weeks were hard because it created panic attacks (a side effect) but I’ve had lots of previous experience with panic so I know how to calm my nervous system down. Once the 3 weeks passed – the panic attacks got a lot better. I do notice that they can flare up easily when my adrenaline gets spiked so I just have to be aware and take good care of myself if it happens.
And I know I don’t need to say this – but everyone is different and everyone’s needs are different – so what worked for me might not work for you. 🙂