IKEA in Victoria!

WHY isn’t there an Ikea on the island? WHY?

I forgot to pick up this shelving unit when I was in Vancouver last weekend and as a result of my oversight I spent all day yesterday trying to find a similar type shelving unit in Victoria.

I went to Zellers, Walmart, Home Outfitters, Home Sense, Canadian Tire, Rona, Home Depot and a few other places and came up with bupkis.

It’s like all the other stores in the universe have given up because Ikea does it best …

IKEA! Please. For the love of FREYJA please open up a store on the island!!

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4 Responses to IKEA in Victoria!

  1. Lisa says:

    So. Frikken. Agreed!

  2. Sunil says:


    Meet Freyja – http://twitpic.com/1ycs3r

    I’ll see what she can do for you!

    (You can meet her if you ever do get down to Austin)

  3. Holly says:

    You can order Ikea furniture and have it shipped to Victoria. My mom bought me an Ikea desk and had it shipped to a warehouse pickup location in Victoria. It was 4 years ago now, so I can’t remember the details of how she did it. I’m sure Ikea customer service could tell you. Good luck!

  4. Sam says:

    I stopped shopping at Ikea because everything I buy there breaks or falls apart after a year or two. Even the drinking glasses break so easily.

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