WHY isn’t there an Ikea on the island? WHY?
I forgot to pick up this shelving unit when I was in Vancouver last weekend and as a result of my oversight I spent all day yesterday trying to find a similar type shelving unit in Victoria.
I went to Zellers, Walmart, Home Outfitters, Home Sense, Canadian Tire, Rona, Home Depot and a few other places and came up with bupkis.
It’s like all the other stores in the universe have given up because Ikea does it best …
IKEA! Please. For the love of FREYJA please open up a store on the island!!
So. Frikken. Agreed!
Meet Freyja – http://twitpic.com/1ycs3r
I’ll see what she can do for you!
(You can meet her if you ever do get down to Austin)
You can order Ikea furniture and have it shipped to Victoria. My mom bought me an Ikea desk and had it shipped to a warehouse pickup location in Victoria. It was 4 years ago now, so I can’t remember the details of how she did it. I’m sure Ikea customer service could tell you. Good luck!
I stopped shopping at Ikea because everything I buy there breaks or falls apart after a year or two. Even the drinking glasses break so easily.