The Post Office Box has been very good to me lately…LOOK AT MY NEW PURSE from Dungaree Dolly’s!
Designed and sewn by Ms.Dolly herself… this little purse carries EVERYTHING I need and hot damn… do I ever look good carrying it!!
Check out her website … there are a TON of cutie-pie bags to choose from. Thanks Dolly!
Dolly also included some stickers and a little pocket mirror. Since I already have a pocket mirror from Sick on Sin… I thought I should share my Dolly Mirror with you.
Congrats to AMANDA for winning the pocket mirror! The next 5 e-mails after that will get a Dungaree Dolly sticker. Don’t forget to include your mailing address. 🙂
Sarah… hi! I just stumbled across your website. How fantastic!!
It’s quite funny, because my mum bought me Where It All Vegan a few months ago, and here I am, 12:18am in Adelaide, Australia, searching the net for some vegan food ideas, and pop, there you are. How awesome!!
I’ve been a vegan now for about 6 months. Best thing I ever did do. Very excited to get stuck into your website… yes!
Have a good one.
X India
Not our purse of choice… but good on ya!
Glad you are loving life and havin fun.
Man- you get a lot of mail.
thx so much for the little elephant magnet. he’s hanging out with my zebra and deer magnets.