Holy wow.
I have not updated this website in a while!! LOL
I am doing a “Dry January”. No phone. No social media. No reels. No scrolling. Hoping to reset my creativity! I don’t know about you but since the pandemic hit – I have been really doomscrolling on the phone to the point of making my mind into mush. It must be a self-soothing thing …
I have a few updates:

*kathy photoshopped in because she wasn’t there for the photo
1. Dec 31st was my last day doing the @officialgogos social media. I’ve been doing it for almost 13 years! 📆
I’ve loved this band since I first saw them on American Bandstand in 1981. It has been incredible to get to know the band members, their families and the crew. I was trusted to be backstage and to know details about how the sausage is made behind the scenes🤪 and I have so many special memories.
I am so proud of the work I’ve done for them over the years. Also big kiss to Anthony and Arnold for collaborating with me behind the scenes. And to all the fans that I interacted with via socials. I have met so many special people through this experience.
To be the voice of the band via the social media took a lot of creativity and thoughtful work and I loved every second of it. 🥰 Thank you Jane, Kathy, Char, Belinda and Gina for all the fun!

My sister from another mother 🙂
2. Yesterday was also my last day being @janewiedlin right-hand gal. 😭 I’ve been working for Jane as a personal assistant in some capacity or another for 15 years (maybe more) and it’s been so much fun.
Jane is exactly as she is in interviews. Funny, thoughtful, endlessly creative and has an incredible eye for detail. Plus she’s sweet as heck!! She trusts me with her social media, website, etc., and it means a lot. Having someone’s trust is a big deal to me. 🥰
Jane brought me into the GG’s fold and gave me many incredible opportunities to expand my horizons. It’s wild to think that we’ve been able to work together all these years and be in completely different countries – but we made it work.📱 My proudest part about this job is that we have been able to raise thousands of dollars selling Jane’s stage-wear/memorabilia for the various animal rescue groups she works with. It’s been a true labour of love. 🐶😻 I love you, Sweet Jane. Thanks for all the fun.
3. As I write this – I am on day 2 of not looking at my social media. Yesterday was so weird – I kept unconsciously picking up my phone and looking at it for no reason. At one point I found myself scrolling through FB and I have no recollection of opening my phone. The addiction is REAL!

The Kramers
In other news – My parents came over for a few days and we had a lovely visit. They have been cleaning out their library/office and brought over 27 boxes of books. I counted them all and it’s 752 books!! My upstairs loft/landing is FULL of books. Someone told me that you only need 1000 books to officially be considered a “library”. Ha ha ha.
I have no idea what I am going to do with these books – but I know I am going to enjoy a distraction-free month of January looking through and organizing them.
Some I will donate, some I will read and pass on and some are treasures of the past that I can’t wait to relish.
How’s your 2023 going so far?