Sarah’s Place Update – Surgery

70764f6297dc11e299af22000a9e29bc_7We saw the surgeon last Thursday. I’ve decided against immediate reconstruction (for a number of reasons) and we have set a date for my mastectomy.

This mass I have in my breast is a little over 4cm. No time to mess-around with alternative therapies… we gotta get this sucker out of me.

So the surgery date is April 9th.

This means I have to close Sarah’s Place for about 2 weeks while I recover from surgery.

Sarah’s Place last day open will be SATURDAY APRIL 6TH!

I thought about having other people work for me while I’m recouping and I’ve had lots of people volunteer their time … but I need to focus on healing and I can’t be worried about what’s going on when I’m not there. I’d like to thank my landlords at Market Square for being so cool about me closing temporarily.

2 weeks after my mastectomy we will get the pathology reports back and then we’ll know if I have to do radiation/chemo. What will  happen after that … we will decide later. Right now I need to focus on the surgery.

-1Everyone keeps asking me what they can do to help? It sounds crass but #1 thing you can do is buy something from Sarah’s Place. Either in person or online at I gotta pay my bills and closing for 2 weeks off is going to hurt so if you feel like helping … buy something.

**Vancouver ONLY!** If you live in/near Vancouver – and do an online order at Sarah’s Place between April 6-8th and use the coupon code: FORKCANCER you will get free shipping. All orders will be shipped en masse from Sarah’s Place to Nice Shoes and you can pick up your order from Nice Shoes when it arrives.

As for the surgery – I’ll try to keep you updated as best I can … According to the paperwork we got from the hospital I will be “legally impaired” for 24 hours after the surgery so I better give my iPhone to Gerry so I don’t live-tweet something inappropriate from my hospital bed. 🙂

Love you guys.


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21 Responses to Sarah’s Place Update – Surgery

  1. stephanie says:

    Whew, glad to hear it’s sooner than later. My housemate went through this surgery over a year ago and is having more surgery (preventive and reconstructive in the same go) the week after you. I’ll be sending lots of good energy and healing thoughts your way- let everyone else do everything for you, no matter how hard that may be:) Looking forward to all the good news to come;) xoxox

  2. Kerstin says:

    Good thoughts!
    And remembering what my son let loose after his last surgery I must say: Wise decision about handing your iPhone over 😀
    Sending a tight hug from afar!

  3. Lou says:

    You’re amazing. We’ve never met in person but I love you and admire you. I think of you every day these days and wonder how you’re doing. The way you’re approaching this is truly inspiring. Keep rockin’, dear Sarah!


  4. Thea says:

    I don’t know what to say, except that I’m sending all of my love and positivity to you, Gerry, and Fergus. You are such an amazing woman and role model, and I know that your inner strength and the love we’re all sending will help you make it through.


  5. Shannon says:

    We’ve never met either but I am sending you a big virtual hug full of strength and fast healing fuzzies. You can kick cancers butt so go get ’em tiger!!!

  6. Emily Donner says:


  7. Joanne says:

    You better have some extra large boxes lying around for this weekend because we’re ordering all sorts of stuff from your store! Worry about your surgery and let us (your loyal customers) keep your store profitable 🙂

  8. Maria Rose says:

    Team Wimmer is shooting cancer fighting ray beams your way. Bumblebee, having beat cancer herself, has extra potent ray beams.

    Seriously, thinking about you. We KNOW this is just going to be something you annihilate.

  9. paul says:


  10. Tara says:

    Good luck! I am a fellow Cancer Warrior ( for some reason, I dislike the term survivor). I was diagnosed on 10-12-11 and have gone through chemo, mastectomy, radiation, and 2 reconstruction surgeries. I think you are making a good decision yo postpone reconstruction! Radiation really messed with mine! If your interested, email me and we can swap stories. Wishing you health and negative pathology results!!! Keep fighting- and stay positive…it really is a marathon, not a sprint.

  11. Ann says:

    Love you Sarah!
    Maybe I should come back and buy all the blueberry licorice sticks 😀

  12. Pat says:

    You are a wonderful person and I know soon you will be posting some excelent news for your friends and fans! I hope one day I will be able to visit your store! Best wishes from Brazil. (:

  13. Sabeeha says:

    Sending you best wishes and healing vibes! I’m a breast cancer survivor myself(7.5 cm tumour) and I did surgery, chemo, rads, and about fifty other great healing things to support my body mind and spirit and kick cancer’s ass. I’m a practitioner of Chinese Medicine and have a background in nutrition and yoga. I am sure you have been inundated with tips and advise, but if you would like any useful info on what worked as far as immune boosting and treatment symptom alleviation, please feel free to email me. XO Sabeeha

  14. Rebecca says:

    I am glad to hear that you are having the surgery before it decides to go into your lymph nodes or spreads any worse. Good choice and good luck with it. Will be thinking of you on the 9th.
    Take care!

  15. S.B says:

    Best wishes for you!!!

  16. Rebecca says:

    One last word of advice whatever you do DO NOT try and reach for anything heavy that may or may not be about to crash to the ground. A friend of mine while recouping from her surgery happened to walk into the kitchen and see a friend about to knock off the blender so rather than just letting it fall she decided to make a fast grab for something a bit heavy. It was not pretty she ended up ripping some of her stitches from the same surgery you are having so just be careful and just let it fall.

  17. Amanda Bernie Fan says:

    April 9th is Paul Robeson’s birthday, surely a day of heroism and strength xo Best wishes and happiness. I highly recommend “Undefeated” by Marsha Hunt as heroic female cancer forking literature! You are beautiful and are a shining star.

  18. Esther says:

    Thinking of you Sarah, and hoping the surgery went well. Keeping my fingers crossed for a positive update really soon! Love and (gentle) hugs to you.

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