Whew. My feet hurt….

Don’t worry. Fergus is having fun!!

Had breakfast at Teany. We have decided to eat there every day for breakfast… it’s right around the corner from our hotel. YUM!

We did so much walking… I’ll get my photos do all the talking.

We saw Spike Lee filming on the street!!

I had the best pizza of my life here. It had thinly shredded potatoes on it. YES! I said potatoes

We went here and got tickets to RENT at 50% off. Woo Hoo!

Halloween in NYC is crazy!

Time for bed. My dogs are barking.

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0 Responses to Whew. My feet hurt….

  1. Charlotte says:

    Man! you guys went EVERYWHERE! Like the pictures!

  2. Leigh says:

    i looooove TeaNY!!! 😀
    i can’t believe you saw Spike Lee filming, i have never seen him!!

  3. wiebke says:

    oh wow, the ice rink is open?
    so can’t wait…i’ll be in nyc early december!!! that pizza sounds delish, i love pizza patate!!!

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