Wow. We did a lot of napping this weekend.I slept in really late yesterday and then had a wee nap with Gerry in the early afternoon and another nap later in the evening with Fergus. Then I went to bed at 11pm and slept till 9 today. I must be feeling pooped from all this book stuff. *laugh*
On Sunday we hit the art gallery to see the Warhol exhibit.What a lot of fun to see some of these iconic images in the flesh…
I had no idea that the Elvis print was so HUGE!!
They also had a section of the gallery that was about Warhol and his connection to Canada. There was some really interesting stuff. If you get a chance … go see the show.
Then on Monday we met up with my dear friend Hayley and we hit Lotus Pond for dinner. I put my soy allergy aside for this delish meal and it was worth all the gut pain later. *laugh* Mmmm. Wonton Soup!mmmmm. Sweet N Sour ‘chicken’ balls with brown rice and cashew fried veggies.
Then we went and saw Sex and The City – the movie. If you’re a fan of the show this movie is FANTASTIC! I laughed. I cried and even though the movie was 2 hours and 20 minutes … I didn’t want it to end.
Carrie wears this black hat in the movie. I’m dying to find one like it… I know it looks like a fedora but it had a wayyyy different shape. Uber awesome! 🙂
Oh my, that sweet-and-sour looks so delish! I wonder where I could get something like that in St. Louis.
My chicas and I enjoyed SATC, too! It was a great girls’ night out. 🙂
we went to see the Worhol exhibit when it was in Toledo. It was unbelievable!!