Suzy …

I got this letter from Suzy today. Totally made my day… 🙂

Dear Sarah,
I just want to thank you for sharing your experience publicly. I did my first self exam because of you and actually found a lump! I saw the doctor right away and she found a second one.

I am 26 and assumed I didn’t need to do exams yet. The “how to do a self exam” video that you posted was so helpful. They did a biopsy on my one lump and said it is a benign fibroadenoma but are sending me to ultrasound next week to be on the safe side.

You are such an inspiration and I am so glad to have been recently introduced to your instagram and website. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and can’t wait to hear when you have beat this thing!

Your newest fan and friend,

Thank you Suzy. I’m so proud of you for being so proactive with your breast health!!

For those of you who missed the video … watch it again and then go touch yourself.  🙂

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3 Responses to Suzy …

  1. Colleen says:

    Hey Sarah

    I just tried to watch the video but got a message saying the YouTube account has been terminated…

    And thank you for being so forthright about the tough time you’re having–we could all use some reminding to take care of our lady health!

  2. simone says:

    Found an appealing app to be reminded of your monthly check..
    by Rethink Breast Cancer, Canada

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