Spa day …

My wonderful, thoughtful, lovely friends Stu and Sherri-Lynn bought me a gift certificate to the spa in the Empress Hotel for my 40th birthday back in June.

Knowing that I had all my book tour stuff ahead of me … I waited until I got back to use it and last night was the night. WHAT A NIGHT! 🙂

The spa is AMAZING and if anyone in Victoria decides to go … let me tell you a little secret. Not only can you go for your massage/pedi/facial etc. but you can also go early and use their facilities which include a sauna, steam room and mineral bath. Woot!

This place is huge. There’s a lounge area where you can drink juice, eat fruit and lay around and read magazines.
The mineral pool was divine. 🙂The whole place was empty and I had it all to myself … I would never have taken photos if anyone was in there. I wandered around pretending I was a princess in my castle. *laugh*
Your own personal locker…
And a killer sauna. I had an amazing 3 hours there relaxing, decompressing from my trip as well as a killer massage. Thank you Stu and Sly! I loves you guys.

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One Response to Spa day …

  1. Judy's Nutrition says:

    Wow, I wanna go too!

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