Skunk cabbage

It’s been so glorious here this week I’ve been spending most of my time outside – while slathered in sunscreen and wearing a hat of course – pale is the new tan people!! We are so sun-starved during the winter months in Victoria that when the sun comes out everyone scurries outside to grab some Vit D.

On Sat I met some girlfriends for a walk in Beacon Hill Park (which was packed with people enjoying the amazing weather). The girls and I looked for a private patch where we could chat and we found a nice place in the grass and thanked our lucky stars that we live in Victoria. Look at that view!
Sunday Gerry, Fergus and I went for a walk around Elk Lake. Well … not all the way around. It’s a huge lake. 🙂

This is Fergus actually in the forest, not my bedroom. *laugh*
I was so impressed with the Skunk Cabbage. It’s such an huge plant – almost prehistoric!! Like you expect a dino to be chomping away on it.
Gerry hates it but with good reason, it stinks like Skunk!!
Today is Burrito Monday! A new tradition that we look forward to every week … more on that later.

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0 Responses to Skunk cabbage

  1. Maria Rose says:

    Burrito Monday…I like theme days!

  2. 3veggies says:

    we started taco tuesdays. i think it might help with dinners if we a few nights that are always the same. helps the kids look forward to it

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