Gerry and I woke up early to find a note from our hostess that she had woken up with a migraine (poor dear) and was going to stay in bed … So Gerry and I decided to walk to Herbivore for breakfast.
I looked at the menu and was worried there wasn’t going to be anything for this GF/Soy free vegan on their menu but thankfully I was wrong. I had Corn-cakes, beans, guac, salsa and pan fried potatoes. I was STOKED! 🙂
Gerry was also stoked about his french toast. 🙂
After breakfast we decided to walk down (more like waddle) to The Moma. It’s about a 2.5 mile walk but Gerry and I like to get a feel for a city by walking it. We stopped at Yerba Buena Gardens (across the street from The Moma) and rested our feet.
We laughed at how silly we were for walking so far – especially since we were about to walk all 4 floors of The Moma. Silly Kramers.
I love art galleries. They are sacred spaces …
… they are my church. 🙂
This piece by Barry McGee was mesmerizing in person. It was floor to ceiling and I could have looked at it for hours …
I’ve never thought much of Jeff Koons. This piece in particular looks so frivolousness in photographs but in person it is very delicate and beautiful (even with the silly subject matter).
After The Moma – we walked around trying to find a certain store that carries a specific German man-bag Gerry wanted but after wandering the streets lost we gave up.
Famished and with a couple hours to kill (before we were to meet up with our friend Jake for dinner) we decided to find a place for a nosh.
I checked on my hand-dandy Happy Cow VEG-OUT App for places near us to eat and we hit up the downtown location of The Plant only to find that they had closed at 3pm. CURSES!
Gerry realized there was another Plant restaurant at the pier (only a few more blocks away) so we hobbled down (with very sore feet). We had olives, pickles and a veggie plate.
We sat there for a good hour and a half looking at our map and marveling at how far we had walked (approx 5 miles). With my feet rested and some olives in my belly I had re-charged enough to hail a cab (there was no way in hell I was walking anymore) and drove up to Cha-ya to meet Jake.
By the time we arrived … I was famished again (I think all that walking made my metabolize go crazy) and I ate my face off. 🙂
It was SO wonderful to see Jake again. The last time we saw him was at the Trial Reunion show in 2005??
As we were eating dinner we could hear a lot of screaming in the streets. The Giants had just won the world series and the city exploded with excitement… It was hilarious to watch all these people going crazy about something Gerry and I don’t care about in the slightest.
It was like watching animal planet.
We said our good-nights to Jake and Gerry and I fell into bed exhausted… what a wonderful day! 🙂
Wow! That *was* a lot of walking! It’s funny you were here for the World Series. There are plenty of us that live here that also didn’t care one smidge about it. I love that picture with the streamers though.