Fancy Bitch

My friend Erin from Fancy Bitch sent me a great book called Curly Girl.

As a woman who has struggled her entire life to tame her curls, it’s just been in the last couple of years that I finally embraced my curls as they are and let them be as wild and crazy as they want to be.

The book is a really fun read and has a “free your hair, and the rest will follow” manifesto. I read it front to back in about 45 minutes and it was a treat to read and I learned a few things as well.

Congrats to Tiffany for winning the book!!
To everyone else… ya snooze… ya lose! 🙂

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0 Responses to Fancy Bitch

  1. jumpinglegacy says:

    Curly-haired girls unite! I remember straightening mine like nobody’s business when I was younger, because along with the “thin is in” ideals, so was pencil-straight hair. My hair just never wanted to swing that way! Now I have fun with it, and it really makes me feel more vibrant to let my curls be their bouncy selves. Glad you’re liking your’s as well!

  2. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    As someone who has had poker straight hair her whole life, I can tell you – I envy curly girls (and boys). I used to spend countless hours at the hairdresser getting curls put in my hair, and then countless hours at home curling some more. I finally gave up. If I had curly hair, I’d let it go crazy! The wilder, the better I say!

  3. yardsale says:

    Tee hee. My husband worked on that book. And yup, I too have curl-envy.

  4. krispycheks says:

    I have this book too and I love it! It’s nice to have curl power! After growing up hearing “you’re so lucky to have curly hair” now I can finally agree with people. I was a little weirded out to wash my hair using only conditioner, but it is so much healthier and more manageable, this woman knows her stuff!

  5. Nighttime_stars says:

    Sarah, weird question, but do you really have grey hair?

  6. Sarah's Blog says:

    Yes. I really have grey hair.

    I am 38. Most woman my age have grey hair… they just dye it. 🙂

  7. yogis_child says:

    NO, I love it!!!! 🙂

    I thought that you dyed it grey. LOL.

    I really think that grey is beautiful. I always have. Ask my friends.

  8. Jacq says:

    I’m the same age and I do have grey hair too… or I would if I didn’t dye it. I like it coloured though. It is mousy when it is grey and makes me look old. Yours just looks cool.

    I also have curly hair and I noticed this book at the library for the Community College here in town. I’ll have to pick it up and read it now. 🙂


  9. Vegan Momma says:

    I love that book! I have a head full of tight coils. My daughter has a looser curl.

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