
I have 2 demos coming up in Sept (more details soon) but I can’t do the Rene’s Tomato Soup Cake anymore… I’ve done it too much.

WHAT SHOULD I DEMO?? It needs to be fairly easy but most importantly it needs to be served to the public so it has to be easily served. I’m so at a loss. Rene’s Tomato Soup Cake has served me so well these last few years! IDEAS? Anyone?

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0 Responses to Demo

  1. paisley says:

    what about some sort of salad? like pasta or potatoe or maybe an asian noodle kinda thing. if you have access to an oven at these events, your cookies would be a nice treat.

  2. Anonymous says:

    How about Aunt Bonnie’s Chickpea Salad? It’s one of my favs, but I leave out the tomato cuz’ I can’t eat them, add corn and rice instead, maybe a little jalapeno….

  3. angela says:

    the coffee cake works for me all the time – I even changes the oil to coconut oil & changed the nuts to apples & it was delicious

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