
I seem to have caught a little tummy bug… bah. I also seem to be a little bummed out lately… bah. When you finish a gigantic project that you work on for over a year and them promote for 6 months and then you stop. Do you get bummed out? I feel kind of lost as to what to do next.

So, when in doubt. Eat. Last week was all about “The Mock”.

Claire kindly brought back some “Mock Tuna” from Food Fight Grocery and Gerry made me some kind of tuna sandwich that he ate when he was a kid. I think he mixed the mock tuna with soy-mayo and added some chopped celery. The open faced sandwich was then baked and served with salty potato chips. Yum! I’ve never eaten fish in my life… so I have nothing to compare this Mock Tuna too but it was pretty good.

I had a really lazy night one night when Gerry was at band practice and I bought myself an Amy’s Veggie Loaf meal.

It doesn’t quite look like the photo but it still tasted pretty good.

I made Sloppy Janes from LDV. Yum.

We also found this new Mock Roast Beef & Smoked Meat stuff…
And served it with sauteed mushrooms as well as Maury’s Roasted Root Veggie Soup from LDV.But it was so bad I’m not even going to mention the product. Bah!
Basically… it had no flavour. Very sad because it looked so yummy. Next time I’ll just make the Setain from LDV cause it’s soooooo much better.

No wonder I’m bummed. I’m eating crap. *laugh* Besides that one day we had a salad… I’ve been very slack on eating my raw veggies. Bah.

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0 Responses to Bugs

  1. Kramers says:

    I love Amy’s products! We buy a lot of her soups. They are so yummy.

  2. Me says:

    Her burritos are wonderful with some salsa and a bit of sour cream. Mmmm, mmmm good.

    Hope you feel better soon.


  3. Kelly says:

    Aww Sarah Gerry is adorable!!!I love the Tatts.
    All the best in Portland

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