A few years ago I did a calendar paying homage to some of my fav album covers with a ‪vegan‬ twist.
I spent hours doing my own makeup and when we went to shoot the photo we realized I had done the makeup in reverse. Oh no! I hadn’t flipped the photo!! Ha!
We talked about flipping my face in Photoshop but that always looks weird so we rescheduled the shoot for the next day so I could get the makeup perfect. I knew he’d never see it but I still wanted to make him proud.
Bowie taught me so much … with each new album and each new incarnation. Most importantly he showed me that I could be my most creative self without shame. He forged a path and made a safe space for weirdos like me to assemble. Even if it was by myself – worshiping at the alter of my record player. 🙂
My heart aches with the loss of David Bowie and I miss him so much already but am so thankful he left us this new album ‪#‎blackstar‬ to ponder…