Awww. Thanks Pia!

I just got the nicest e-mail …

Dear Sarah,
You’re the reason I went vegan. Because everything I cooked out of your books tastes great, and a lot of my favourites are from your books:- your food tastes like family food, it tastes filling and uses a lot of fun new ingredients that I enjoy looking for. All of my meat-eating loved ones, never complain about food you’ve inspired.

But today I read the introduction to your book Garden of Vegan and realized that there’s a lot behind these recipes which makes them so good. I’ve always struggled with my weight, too fat, then too thin and never seeming to fit into the right place, but I realize that when I eat food which is healthy and alive; that there’s nothing to feel guilty about. And the instant gratification of eating processed crap ends in hating myself for doing it; and it doesn’t need to be so.

I’d just like to thank you for producing honest cookbooks which have a real emphasis on living a positive lifestyle. Whilst this might sound a bit wanky, going vegan changed my life, and while sometimes it’s hard to go out to dinner and eat the garden salad, or watch people eat cheese- at the end of the day, it’s not a limitation, rather an opportunity to live a positive existence, and freeing experience. As someone who also has CFS it’s made a really big impact on my health too. Really I can’t give you enough credit for that.
Thanks, and best wishes

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