I am fast approaching my 5000 facebook friend limit so I have started a Sarah Kramer Fan Page. Please join the fan page right away as I will be purging my personal facebook page to only have “friends” who are actually my friends. 🙂
You will still be seeing all the same blog updates and tweets … but the Fan Page can have an unlimited amount of friends. See you over there!! 🙂
Please let me know if you have any issues.
thanks. i did not dare to be your “friend” (thought it was “faux”). but a fan i am! 😀
Oh Gosh. I loved being your cyber friend!! I’ll become a fan post-haste. I love your cook books and please share stories, etc. on the fan page as well!!!
Don’t worry. Nothing will change … you’ll still see all the blog/twitter/Fergus updates but now it will be in a different location. 😉