We Kramer’s don’t celebrate much. No x-mas or Hanukkahs or Valentines Day but boy-howdy do we ever like to celebrate birthdays in our house!! Last year was such a milestone birthday. The big 4-0. It was such a big deal – not so much the 40 part but the surpassing my mothers age of 39. Bitter-sweet.
This year. I wanted to be melllloooowwww… and it started off with a wonderful gift from Gerry at mid-night. I pulled back the duvet cover to climb into bed to find it covered in $20 and $50 bills. OH MY LORD! My husband knows me so well! *laugh*
This morning started out with a bang. A nice phone call from my Auntie Bonnie. Tons of well wishes from twitter/facebook/myspace friends. Got lovely twitter messages from Jane Wiedlin and Kathy Valentine … OF THE FREAKING GO-GO’S!!
Then it happened.
The call I’ve waited 364 days for… every year my parents call me on my birthday and sing to me. I don’t know when it started to be a tradition but it’s the best part of my birthday. This year my parents are in Europe on vacation and I wasn’t expecting them to call me from across the pond but when I answered the phone THERE THEY WERE on the other end! I actually got a little teary this year while they sang, I’m so lucky to have such thoughtful parents.
Then it was off to Mattick Farm to play Mini-Golf. I’ve had mini-golf on the brain since the dog in a hot car incident last weekend and was jonesing to play. It started out fun. There was a wizard or a troll or some sort of something that you had to golf through …Then things got a little “ruff”.
Then after a few holes we realized that the troll/wizard was the only fun thing to do on this mini-golf course. Every other hole had a log or a rock as an obstacle. WHAT?
We quickly bailed and headed downtown to grab some lunch from Cafe Bliss and had a little picnic in our backyard.
Fergus really digs Sunflower sprouts.
Tired from the mini-golf and full from the yummy meal I accidentally had a nap. I blame Fergus.
Later in the evening we headed downtown to Re-Bar to have a birthday dinner thanks to a gift-card I got from our realtor (thanks Dominque).
We had the hummus & chutney starter with pita bread. YUM!Enjoyed a Monks Curry on brown rice. Double yum!
And decided that after 20 years of not drinking … that I would have a glass of wine. Yup. I broke my edge. Triple yum! 🙂
On the walk home I was feeling a little tipsy and not wanting the night to end just yet so I managed to secretly steer Gerry towards the Karaoke place (where you can sing in a private room). Gerry’s always resisted karaoke but since it was my birthday … he couldn’t say no. The funny thing is … once we got going … he wouldn’t stop! *laugh*
I tried singing We Got The Beat but holy shit – that’s a tough song to sing! Kudos to Belinda!
Top 3 Favourite songs to sing at Karaokee.
1. Anarchy in the UK
2. Holiday in The Sun
3. My Sharona
All in all … it was a super fantastic wonderful day. Even with the crappy mini-golf. 🙂
I have a blessed life.
that looks like a really wonderful birthday!!
i was just at matticks for mini golf friday, you're right pretty un-eventful. no castle at the end or anything!
where did you go that you got to sing sex pistols karaoke??
PS-love your hair!
I hope you had an amazing birthday Sarah! You deserve it!!!
Great post!
I just turned 40 too, somehow empowering…..yes???
Happy belated b-day Sarah! I'm glad you had such a great time.
And yeah, MikePod, being 40+ is quite empowering. I'll be 46 in Sept. & I feel better about myself than I ever have.
Weeeeeeeeeee. I am glad you had such a great day!
I love the photo of fergus and the alfalfa sprouts. It reminded me of the dog I was fostering for a few months. She was my little dinosaur chomper. She loved Spinach!
So happy to hear your birthday was great!
Good for you to keep on cruisin' into your 40's. I love mine, but am ever so slowly creeping closer to my 50's.
Ah well, just another decade to conquer. Glad your day went well.
Happy Birthday Sarah! Glad to hear you had a great day.
HB, Sarah! It sounds like you had a stellar day. I lurve the pic of you and Fergus napping (under the covers! So cute!) and it cracks me up that Gerry always resisted karaoke only to be sucked in! Hee hee!
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