What a day!

What a beautiful day yesterday… Holy cow. The sun was shining (a rarity this time of year) and it was actually WARM!! I didn’t need a scarf and Fergus and I ran up Willows Beach without a jacket! Woot! It was so clear today you could even see Mount Baker. And get this…I even saw daffodils pushing their way up in my front yard. Do I dare say it? Do I? I think Spring is in the air… ooops. I said it. It will probably snow tomorrow because of me.

I have a weird thing about numbers. I feel like you have to have at least 3 items in order to call something a collection and for years I’ve only had 2 of these pull-string dolls. My Smurf says things like “Let’s eat Smurf berries”. The Pink Panther says things like “I see a mouse. Meow”… and today I managed to round out my collection with Bugs Bunny who says “Heee heee heee. I like you.”
I’m in collectors heaven over here.

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0 Responses to What a day!

  1. Melissa says:

    Wow, what a beautiful day! OK, you’re getting flowers there, and I’m in still in the throws of winter over here!! Boo hoo.

    I wish I had a dog and a beach to go running on 😛

  2. Kramers says:

    Congrats that the rain finally stopped for you! And also thanks to the rain in B.C. because as it has passed along a most lovely winter here on the prairies that has been mild and wonderful.

    Just what the doctor ordered. Lots of outside fun!!

  3. Kelly says:

    We just got snow in PEI today!!It has only snowed a few days here.We haven’t really had to get our winter gear out .But I took pictures also and it was beautiful.

  4. Danielle says:

    Lucky you. It was really windy today, and just as I was arriving to work, we had a bit of a snowstorm, but nothing stuck. It was just bitterly cold and windy for the rest of the day.

  5. jen says:

    Hah! I have that Pink Panther toy too!! Good score with Bugs – they make a fine trio!

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