
Just read a review for one of my books where the reviewer called me “ugly and vain” … but makes no mention of the recipes, the written content or how the food tasted. What is wrong with people?

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14 Responses to Really?

  1. HappieKamper says:

    WOW! What an idiot. You rock!

  2. Jeannette says:

    Well…. we all Love you!!

  3. Rhea says:

    I’m so sorry that happened to you. That was mean and unnecessary. The reviewer and I’m using that term lightly should be reprimanded, if not fired, and print a retraction and apology.

  4. Andrew Hunt says:

    That is awful. Simply awful. I’ve read reviews like that of other books and the people who write them come across as haters. Don’t buy it for a second, Sarah. You are wonderful. For every one asshole like that one, you have numerous readers out here who love you and love your recipes!

  5. Michelle says:

    Absolutely Sarah – you are gorgeous and your recipes rock! They must feel really bad about themselves to write something like that – and they’re probably jealous to boot. You rock! 🙂

  6. Kerstin says:

    He can’t have seen you.
    Nor have had a look inside the book.

  7. Van Chick says:

    I’m glad the reviewer didn’t mention the recipes, he obviously would have been way off base!! 😉

  8. Holly says:

    That’s terrible! I think the problem with people is that they don’t consider celebrities to be real people with real feelings, so they think they can say vicious and cruel things about them with no real harm done.

    You’re my favourite celebrity! You’ve responded to every email I’ve ever sent you, and even included some of my recipe blurbs in VAGG. I think you’re awesome! And very cute 🙂

  9. Cee says:

    How ridiculous. You are very clearly an awesome person!

  10. Arianna says:

    I, for one, love your recipes and think you are a person of style and glamor! How sad that you are the victim of such small-minded nonsense. Let it roll off your back and know that the published sentiment couldn’t be shared by those who have made your recipes.

  11. Nadine says:

    Well I love your books. I have them all. The recipes are so delicious and you’re gorgeous!

  12. paisley says:

    All I can say is that you know you’ve made it when people start saying mean and spiteful things that have no relevance to what you do or who you are. You are neither of those things. How sad and unhappy must someone be to write that about you. 🙂 paisley

  13. Sarah says:

    Thanks guys. I wasn’t fishing for compliments but rather so supremely disappointed by the cruelty of others. 🙁

    But now I’m over joyed by all the love. 🙂

  14. Denise Denning says:

    I received “La dolce vegan” for Christmas and I’ve been meaning to drop and note just to say how fun the pics in the book are, and how simple and tasty the recipes. My kids didn’t believe “Emily’s ‘Meat’ loaf had no meat.

    And anybody calling you “ugly” is only showing off how stupid they are. Nevermind the haters.

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