Comfort Food

Bean & Cheeze Casserole

A simple recipe from a simpler time. My Mum used to make this for me when I was a kid. After she passed away I somehow ended up with her recipe cards and this recipe, in particular, gives me the most comfort. And a little comfort is what we all need right now. Plus it’s also cheap as hell to make. Recipe is in my cookbook HOW IT ALL VEGAN!

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A letter from The Kramers

Wow. It’s been almost a YEAR since I updated my blog. Yikes. I guess using social media has cut down on my blogging time down to zero. What a shame … ANYWAY … Here I am now and I have some news to share. Don’t worry. It’s good news.

I guess I’ll just start by saying that my husband is now my wife. 🙂

Geri has been struggling for many years with gender dysphoria and with the help of her therapist and myself has recently come out as trans. She goes by the name Geri and her pronouns are she/her.

This may come as a surprise to some of you but it wasn’t to me. This is something that has come up often in our 25 year relationship. We thought it was more of a kink but we now know it was much more than that.

The first question people have been asking me is if I’m ok and my answer is ABSOLUTELY. 🙂 Both Geri and I identify as pansexual (otherwise known as bi-sexual) and so our marriage hasn’t really changed. I’m in love with her. She’s in love with me. To quote David from Schitt’s Creek … “I like the wine not the label.”
WATCH!! This explains how pansexuality so perfectly!!!

So why a blog post?

We wanted to come out publicly for a few reasons. Our number one reason is visibility is important. With more visibility comes more understanding.

Trans people represent a small percentage of the population and therefore it can feel very isolating to be trans. So Geri and I are waving her Trans flag to say HI!!! We are over here!! We see you!! 

Our number two reason is we wanted to share our “coming out” letter in case anyone reading wanted to use it for themselves.

Geri had a difficult time trying to decide how to come out. It’s a very personal decision and everyone comes out differently. Now that Geri has removed the “man suit” that she’s been wearing as protection these last 48 years – she is understandably feeling much more vulnerable.

Coming out as trans person in your late 40’s isn’t easy. Both Geri and I were raised in an era (the 80’s) of extreme homophobia and transphobia. Fear of people shunning us. Fear of how people will react. When we were in our teenage formative years being anything but Cis and straight made you a pariah. So our default mode is fear.

Our biggest fear about coming out was what it would be like to watch someone we care about processing the information in real time – because if their reaction was negative – it would be heartbreaking. So after much discussion, Geri decided to write an e-mail and send it to our loved ones.

We looked online about the best way to craft a letter and didn’t find many coming out letters that we liked – so in Kramer DIY fashion we wrote our own letter (see below).

We wanted to give our friends/family time to read the letter. Process it in their own time … and come talk to us when they were ready. We also included some GLAAD links so that we wouldn’t have to answer the same questions over and over again. 🙂

Most importantly so they could read about how to be a good ally.

I’m happy to say that almost everyone on our list (that we sent the e-mail) got back to us right away with love and support. Only a few people haven’t responded and that’s ok … We send them off with love. Byeeeeee!

One of the things that surprised me the most was that almost everyone I’ve told (who is under the age of 30) was so blasé about it. I heard a lot of “ok cool – what pronoun do they me to use?”

It made me realize that so many of these young people didn’t grow up like we did with shame and fear. It brought tears to my eyes to realize that gender and sexuality isn’t a big deal to so many of them and it filled my heart with hope for the world.

So that’s our big news. 🙂 We hope you will take this news with grace and joy for Geri.

If you feel like you want to say something negative – please don’t. There is enough negativity in the world. We don’t need more. 😉

Below is the “coming out” letter we sent to our close friends and family. We offer it to any of you who wants to customize it and use it for their own. We hope you find it helpful.

Thanks in advance for your support.
I’m happy. Hope you’re happy too. 🙂

This is a big news letter from The Kramers. Have a seat. First off – Sarah and I are fine. :) 

This is difficult for me to write but I wanted to share something that’s going on in my life, because I love and trust you, and I know you love me. 

I am writing to let you know that I am a transgender person. I’ve known for a very long time and I’ve struggled for many years with my gender. With the help of Sarah and my therapist – I have come to terms with my place on the gender spectrum. 

I am now transitioning. 

I know this may seem shocking and that this may feel like it is coming from out of nowhere but I want you to know that I am ok. In fact I have never been better. :) 

This is my coming out letter. 

In the very near future I will be coming out to the world and living my life as female. I am still the same person that you have always known and loved. I’ll just be living more authentically as the true me. 

As of right now I will be going by the name Geri and my pronouns will be changing to she/her. 

I know you may have slip-ups with my gender at first, and that is ok. If you do slip up – you do not have to make a big deal out of it. Just correcting yourself is enough for me to see that you care about and respect who I am. 

My transition is not going to happen over night and some aspects may seem fast and some may seem slow. I ask for your patience and support during this time. 

I have included a few important links below for you to read. I would appreciate if you read these before you asked us questions. 



If you feel like not responding right away, that’s ok. Take as much time as you need. I understand that this is a lot to process.

Sarah and I love you very much and we are happy to answer questions or talk about my transition. But please know that some questions may be too personal – so we will let you know when a question is over the line. 
Lots of love,
Geri & Sarah (and Walter)

“Love is honouring the journey of another…” 

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Sarah’s 2020 Vegan Eating Guide for Downtown Victoria!

Hi Friends!!
Here’s my updated 2020 Vegan Eating Guide for Downtown Victoria BC Canada!! 🙂

Let me know if you think I’ve forgotten something.

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Had an old filling replaced today.

Having procedures done to me (no matter how benign) are triggering for me as a former breast cancer patient.

Surrendering your body to a doctor is a very vulnerable place for me and being poked and prodded gives me a lot of anxiety.

I’ve been working on identifying my triggers, acknowledging them and today I was able to actually relax enough that I FELL ASLEEP during my procedure.

I feel very proud of myself. I would pop my tongue but it is so frozen – I can’t feel it.

BTW I asked my dentist to hold back on the epinephrine as it makes my heart race. It means the freezing doesn’t hold as long but it makes for a much easier time for me. #selfcare

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Thank you

I’m having a very sad-sack kind of day.

I’m working (very slowly) on a book about my cancer experience and it’s really difficult to revisit. Dipping my toe back into a dark pond of grief is tough stuff so I popped onto Instagram for a break from my misery and found this incredible letter in my messages.

IT MADE MY DAY!! Thank you friend. You are so lovely. 🙂

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Hearts on Noses

We recently dissolved the Victoria Vegan Fest Society (I don’t have the energy to do another festival) and I took my portion of the $$ and sent it to Janice Gillett over at Hearts on Noses Pig Sanctuary.

Sanctuary work is tireless and they’re always in need of help (both financial and physical help). If you want to learn more about them check out their website HERE.

Click on their donation page if you can. Even a few bucks can go a long way. 🙂

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La Dolce Vegan

Hello my Loves!
My publishers are probably not going to do any more reprints of LDV so if you’ve
thought about buying a copy or want to buy an extra copy just in case – now is the time.

I don’t have any extra copies so you’ll have to find them on the web or in stores.

This little lady was on the shelves for almost 15 years and she is my favourite of the 4 books I wrote. I feel so lucky to have been on the shelves for that long. ❤️


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In 2008 I was so famous that people would talk to me while I was peeing in the stall. 😜

She said through the door “Are you Sarah Kramer??” I said “Yes, but let’s talk after I’m done peeing.” 😂

The woman was so excited to see me that she took a photo of me washing my hands.

I just found this photo on my computer and it made me LOL. Whoever you are lady – I’ll remember our interaction forever. 😍

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Our winter session for ENCORE After Breast Cancer Exercise Program runs Jan 26th to March 26th. If you know a breast cancer survivor in the area who might benefit from the class – please send them my way! The course is FREE and comes with a 2 month membership to the downtown Y!! 💗

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I’m turning 50 this summer and to celebrate I am only doing things this year that make me feel good. 😍

First order of business is I made an appointment for a Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage at Sacred Space.


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