Open letter to: Yes To Carrots

Dear Yes to Carrots
I am a LONG time customer and I am extremely upset to read over at Logical Harmony Blog that you are now testing on animals so you can sell your product in China. Shame on you!!

I love your products. Not only are they great quality but I have proudly talked about your products to my non-vegan friends as an example of excellent animal-friendly products that are available in the common marketplace. The fact that they can purchase your products at a local drugstore has always been a source of pride for me.

I understand that the China market is huge. I understand that you want to grow your business … but at what cost?

This last year I have lost MAC cosmetics, Aveda, Urban Decay and now Yes to Carrots to the Chinese market. It’s horrible. Just fucking HORRIBLE that you would sell out your formerly animal friendly company for pure greed. And at the expense of the animals who suffer greatly because of animal testing.

Why don’t you, MAC, Aveda and Urban Decay and other formerly forward thinking animal-friendly companies stand together and tell China that you will not sell your products to them until they change their animal testing laws.

STAND FOR SOMETHING! Don’t be greedy. Be a vessel for positive change.

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14 Responses to Open letter to: Yes To Carrots

  1. laureen says:

    I hadn’t heard anything about this, Aveda or MAC. Really disappointed in them. Thanks for sharing the information.
    – laureen

  2. Rachel says:

    And the thing is, yes, they gain customers in China, but they lose us. So it’s definitely not all win for them. 🙁 And it makes them look awful. Really too bad. Well done on the letter!

  3. Tashina says:

    Thank you for helping spread the word!!

  4. Pingback: Yes to Carrots is Now Yes to Animal Testing | Save Bruiser's Mom

  5. Rebecca says:

    Wow had not heard that Aveda, Mac and Yes to Carrots had sold out how sad and unfortunate. I thought that according to PETA at least that Urban Decay had said they would not test on animals no matter what. Guess they were wrong.

    Thanks for the update and I do hope that these companies decide to give animal testing the “finger” and decide that it is better to be kind to animals no matter what.

    No animals should suffer just for company greed or vanity.

  6. Maddie says:

    I am very confused now. After I initially heard this, I sent a very snippy email to Yes To specifically asking them if they are selling in China. They responded that they do not.
    Are they flat out lying to me?

  7. Spork Foods says:

    We just sent them notes too. Everyone should write to them letting them know we won’t be buying their products until they stop this cruel practice!

  8. Deb says:

    OMG I had no idea thank you and I will buy this product !!!!!!!

  9. DanielleinDC says:

    Actually, after a huge outcry, Urban Decay pulled out of its plans to enter the Chinese market. Then they did something worse: They sold out to L’Oreal. So no more UD for me.

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