Nice weekend

Sunday was a BEAUTIFUL day so we drove out to Thetis Lake for a hike with Fergus. I know it’s not officially summer until June 21st but here in Victoria it’s been summer for a while and Thetis is in fine form. Everything is lush and growing and the smell of the damp rich soil was enough to make me want to roll around in it … but Fergus did it for me instead.  🙂

So pretty!

We stopped at the “dog beach” portion of the lake where Fergus proceeded to sniff, piss and run around like a maniac. Who needs TV when you have a dog??

This place is magic …

If you ever come here for a visit you must walk around Thetis. It’s a bit of at trek but your ass will thank you for it.  🙂

We stopped by a pond and a bunch of frogs jumped off a log and hid in the mud… we LOVE frogs so we stood really still for while (even Fergus knew to stand still) and waited to see something jump. Well the frogs won the stand-off because we didn’t see anything moving…

…but as soon as we turned around to get back onto the path we were met by Yoda! He scared the BEEP out of me… I don’t know if you can tell from the photo but he was a really big amphibian.

As you know, Monday is our Sunday and today was a bit more of a mellow day. I managed to sleep in till 9:30am (wooo hooo) and then I booked all my hotels/airline tickets for my Go-Go’s tour in July.

FAMISHED from all my credit-card spending we grabbed the dog and walked down to Cook Street Village and went to Messob Ethiopian for lunch. One day I’ll learn how to make my own Injera but for now I’ll leave it to the professionals to feed me.  🙂

The rest of my day consisted of trying not to nap, napping and then trying to wake up. That damn dog of mine is so good at cuddling me to sleep!

I’m back to work at Tattoo Zoo on Tuesday and my goal for tomorrow is to read up about tiling. There is a portion of wall in TZ where the hand-sink sits that needs a back-splash. I’ve never tiled before so I’m excited to learn a new skill. What new skill are you going to learn this week?

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3 Responses to Nice weekend

  1. Anja says:

    Thank you for all the tipps around Victoria – I’m collecting everything for the next holiday. Specially vegan Restaurants. 😉

  2. Holly says:

    I’ve been thinking about learning how to tile as I would like a back-splash in our kitchen and I’d like to remove the hideous plastic tub surround in our bathroom and replace it with tile.

  3. Maria Rose says:

    Wow, so beautiful. You’re such a good photographer Sarah!

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