Well my year started out with a bang! Guess what I did in Vancouver? I had a meeting with my publisher and decided to do another book… More on this in a minute. 🙂
The drive to Vancouver is always fun…because I get to blare music and sing at the top of my lungs. Usually I have my trusty side-kick Fergus along but he stayed home with Big Daddy. I love living on the island … but taking the ferry to get to the mainland drains me. Soooo boring.
So to curb the boredom I got busy working on an outline for the new book.
Finally I got to Vancouver and what a beautiful day it was. Vancouver is pretty…
I hung out with my Dad and Step-Mum Denise and we had a nice visit. The next day my niece Heidi came over and we all spent New Years Eve together watching Amelie. I wasn’t sure if my niece would dig it because of the subtitles… but she loved it. The scariest part of my visit was realizing that by this time next year my niece will probably tower over me. Right now I have about 3 inches on her but she is growing exponentially and I have no way of catching up. *laugh*
The next morning my parents made us get up at the crack of dawn to go to the movie theater to watch Hansel & Gretel via satellite at The Met in NY.It was pretty cool… but I wish I hadn’t been so tired. Watching opera at 10am on a New Years Day is torture. My visit with my family was short but sweet and I hopped back into my car and headed to Ikea to pick up supplies for the tattoo shop. The warehouse at that place is insane… I felt very small.
I was the last car on the ferry ride home. Man… I love being a small car!So you’re probably wondering what the new book is. I’m going to make an official announcement later in the week but thought I’d give you faithful blog readers a sneak peek.
The book will be called “Vegan-a-gogo“. It will be a teeny tiny mini-travel cookbook that you can fit in your suitcase (without taking up a lot of room) and when you visit your friends/family or are on vacation you will have a compilation of recipes from the first 3 books as well as some exciting new recipes and travel tips.
I got the idea for the book because every year I get a ton of e-mails from readers who are desperate for a certain recipe but are away for the holidays and don’t have the recipe… The book will include recipes that are easy to make if you’re in a hostel, recipes to make when you’re visiting family and you want to show off and tips to making vegan travel easier.
So my loyal readers… WHAT I NEED FROM YOU is a list of your favourite ‘must have’ recipes from HIAV, GOV & LDV to include in “Vegan-a-gogo“. I would love to hear why these recipes are your favs. E-mail me your list and your recipe comments and they may end up in the new book.
So what do you think?? I’m excited… but freaking out. I have a short deadline with this book. It’s due out in the bookstores in Sept!! I gotta get cracking!
I’ll have more details soon. If you’ d like to be on the mailing list just shoot me an e-mail.
Talk soon.
Holy excitement, Batman! What fun! I definitely have my favorites… I’ll have to get compiling. 🙂
What a great idea! I can’t wait for the book.
Yay! I love the idea! I will start compiling my favorites, though the list may be quite long!
Yay!!! That’s awesome news! I’ll for sure send you my faves! 😀
Brilliant. A completely brilliant idea for a cookbook, Sarah!
I am not a vegan but I really do love you faux feta recipe – pls include that in the new one
I’m loving the compact-sized book idea! I’ve been flipping through the latest issue of Herbivore and like how convenient it is to tote around in my bag.
As for recipes, everything is good to me. Sorry, can’t help you there…
how wonderful!
i don’t know if this is within the scope of the project, but i would especially love it if there was a section on rustic cooking (eg. for camping)–i am on a gluten free diet and find it incredibly challenging cooking when i go camping!
i’ll peruse the books and try and make up a list of my faves too 🙂
I’m a new reader — great idea for the travel book! I also appreciate the photos – my BF and I are thinking of moving to the Pacific Northwest and your pics only reinforce that decision. 🙂