Hi… I'm Bloaty Mc.Bloaterson

My stomach is huge and I’m exhausted. All this food I have to eat before I can do my allergy blood test is killing me.

I’ve eaten a large majority of the items on the list but have been avoiding the ones that I know are going to kill me. I had white rice tonight. YUCKERS! I had some pineapple yesterday and immediately had to go lay down for a power-nap. I bet pineapple is high up on the list. I’ve been avoiding other items I react to like lemon and orange until I have nothing to do that day.

We’re starting renovations on the tattoo shop tonight and I can work around a gigantic uncomfortable bloated belly but I need energy to build walls.

The renos are minor, but I do have to pull out my bucket of red paint and paint 2 more walls once we’re done…. and I said I’d never paint red walls again…Never say never. *laugh*

I’ll post some photos of the demo later. 🙂
I’m off to wield my hammer!

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0 Responses to Hi… I'm Bloaty Mc.Bloaterson

  1. Wiebke says:

    hi sarah,
    thanks so much for the t-shirt and the cards!
    have fun renovating. hope i can come by some time soon to visit the shop again.
    and you feel better soon.
    it must be hard what you’re doing.

  2. veganfreak says:

    that sounds absolutely horrible — hang in there!

  3. leigh says:

    you need to tell us what you eat regularly. i can’t imagine no tomato sauce!

  4. Jamie says:

    I hope you feel better soon, Sarah! My sister went through the same thing a few years ago and had to change her diet drastically, but it made a huge difference and ended with her feeling better than she had in years.

    Good luck! 🙂

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