Groundhogs Day…

de1c2af256ca11e3824c1222ecad2ed2_8Radiation only takes up a very small portion of my day but it makes every day feel the same. Groundhogs Day …

I try and keep things fun by talking to other patients and making friends with the nurses … but it’s all pretty mundane.

Take my clothes of and wait. Do the radiation and wait. Put my clothes back on and wait. Go see another doctor about something else and wait.

So much waiting.

Gerry and I went and talked to the nurses about that frantic nurse who took my blood. They knew who were were talking about immediately. They gave me the nurses name and next time I have to give blood I need to ask if she’s working. If she is – I have to ask for someone else. Doesn’t seem like the best system but I will do whatever I need to do to make sure she doesn’t draw blood from me again.

The radiation is starting to effect my skin. It’s a little red in the area that they are treating and sometimes it gets hot (from the inside out) but so far it hasn’t been too bad. Putting cream on my skin a few times a day and walking around my house topless seems to help. I’ve also been using fresh Aloe but I hate cutting up the plant. I feel like I’m cutting off my friends finger every time I do it. Sorry Aloe plant.  🙂

I’ve been doing a LOT of beach walking (with my top on). I try and go right after radiation and Fergus and I walk the full length of Willows Beach and back again. It’s good exercise for both of us … and then I come home and have a nap/laydown.

1d916e6e587d11e3a4fd12ff9ce2b280_8I haven’t been too tired (yet). They say the fatigue hits in the 2nd/3rd week so I’m waiting for it but hoping it doesn’t show up.

I’m just trying to keep things chill … and that means organizing/cleaning. 🙂

I went through all my CD’s and decided to only keep about 50 of the 150 I have. I am taking them to a local record store to see if I can get some $$ for them.

I also bought a player that transfers VHS to DVD and I’ve been going through all my tapes. I have probably 50 tapes to go through. Ha ha ha. I have so much video of my niece from when she was little … I want to transfer it to DVD so everyone in my family can have a copy. It’s been fun looking back … We were all so young. And so skinny.  🙂

Poor Gerry is sick with a head-cold this week so I’m taking care of him as well as taking care of me. I’m hoping I won’t get his cold … I don’t want to delay my radiation. I want to get it over with asap!!

I’m starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel and I’m trying not to get too over excited but at the end of my treatment I am going to Vancouver to see The Go-Go’s play a New Years Show! I’m so stoked. What a fantastic way to end this horrible year. I can’t wait!!

I hope they play my favourite song! (hint hint).

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6 Responses to Groundhogs Day…

  1. Jana Kaye Peters says:

    When my mom was bring treated for breast cancer, in 1996, we found that the bottled aloe gel was too sticky, she didn’t like the dried leaf gel , either we bought aloe vera lotion, then covered it with Gold Bond Medicated Powder (they have great generics @Dollar Tree and Wally World, too!). When she went in for checkups, her cancer doctor marveled at how well her skin had fared/how healthy it looked. This combo kept her more comfortable. I wanted to recommend it to you, and anyone else taking radiation. BTW, she survived 15 yrs past her diagnosis, passing from heart failure in 01/11. Love your works!

  2. Maria Wimmer says:

    I hope 2014 is a reward for all that you’ve been put through in 2013.

  3. Pauladian says:

    Just found your website after using your cookbooks for years. I went to the library yesterday and picked up “Vegan a Go-Go” and here I am. Thanks for sharing your journey. You have very quickly become one of my heroes! Lotsa Lotsa of love from the Bay Area.

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