Ghost Bag

I got this letter from Amber but she didn’t leave her e-mail address so I figured I’d share my response with everyone.

Hey Sarah…
I love your books, humor and recipes. I have a question….I just added Vegan a Go-go to my collection and I love it….What is the “Ghost Bag” and why does it follow you?? Just wondering!! =)

To answer your question Amber – Ghost Bag is an inside-joke between me and my hubby. Whenever we take our dog for a walk we look for Ghost Bag. It’s that ubiquitous plastic bag that you see stuck high up in the trees or floating in circles in empty parking lots. When we spot Ghost Bag – we wave and yell “Hi Ghost Bag!”

On the rare occasion I can capture Ghost Bag – I carefully bring it home and re-cycle it. When I travel on my own … and I notice Ghost Bag it makes me smile and think of Gerry and I feel close to home even when I’m miles away.

Even though it’s one of those things that make me think of my hubby when I see it … I am happy to report that sightings of Ghost Bag are few and far between nowadays with everyone being more conscientious and using cloth bags. If I never saw another Ghost Bag again … I would be very happy.

Thanks for writing. 🙂

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0 Responses to Ghost Bag

  1. SheDevil says:

    Nice. That is one of the beautiful things about relationships, when you have your own language and stories.

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