Day 21… Like I said on day 20. Fergus loves to be under stuff.
When we go to sleep at night (or in this photo – take an afternoon nap) Fergus lays alongside my body and I curl up on my side with my right leg draped over his body.
As soon as I squish him he lets out a big sigh and then tucks his nose under my knee or props his chin on the top of my leg (depending on his position).
I don’t understand how he can breathe underneath the weight of my leg but he seems to love it…I love it too. 🙂
My dog Tyler is like that too…I used to worry about him but now I love it when he curls up on my legs at night.
How adorable…who could resist an afternoon nap cuddled up with Fergus!
As an aside I love your bedspread (I am assuming that is what you are lying on). Would you be willing to share where you got it? I have been looking for a long time with no luck!
The duvet cover is from ikea! 🙂