Day 148 … Fergus had his yearly check-up yesterday. He’s doing great! Vet said she can’t believe he’s 9 years old.
Healthy as a horse. Clear eyes. Good teeth. Strong body. No diseases. Likes long walks on the beach …. 🙂
Day 148 … Fergus had his yearly check-up yesterday. He’s doing great! Vet said she can’t believe he’s 9 years old.
Healthy as a horse. Clear eyes. Good teeth. Strong body. No diseases. Likes long walks on the beach …. 🙂
Hi Sarah, I was wondering what kind of food you feed Fergus? Also I love the photos of Fergus, I check them out everyday:)
I do believe I’m getting a camera on the 25th for Festivus (for the rest of us) and I plan to do 365 days of photos with my babys too.