Spent the day at the beach yesterday with some friends and had a blast! 🙂
Poor Fergus drank a little too much sea water and was up all night with an upset tummy. He was restless and uncomfortable then FINALLY puked around 5am and fell asleep.
I feel like the worst Mummy ever. 🙁
Aww, don’t feel bad! He’s all better now. Once, I baked a batch of cookies and left them to cool on the counter. We had just moved into this house, and didn’t realize that because the stairs are beside the kitchen counter, the dog would be able to reach the counter. I went out, and when I got home, the dog had eaten ALL the cookies! Eighteen large chocolate chip cookies! Boy was he a sick puppy 🙁 . We called the vet, and the dog eventually threw up (it was projectile. I don’t even want to think about it), and was fine. You do feel a little guilty for a while from that sort of thing though 🙁