Eli and Heidi

My nephew and niece sent us a package yesterday! WOO HOO!! It was filled with wonderful letters and a bunch of weird fun stuff. Like this magical clear stone good for making my eye big.

And these chopsticks… good for plugging my nose when Unkle Gerry farts.
And he will fart… cause they sent us a package of Soy Jerky!!Gerry likes to use his chopsticks for stabbing me. I’m not sure why.I got a package of dried fruit that tasted weird… and then I noticed it was 6 months past the due date. *gag* I threw them out. 🙂 I got a mini-address book to put all my important numbers in. I also got a used tube of Bonnie Bell Lip Gloss. Ummm… used? It was used. *gag* I threw it out. 🙂
And even though Fergus sat there waiting like a pretty little pony for a present… there wasn’t anything in the package for him. So sad… so I gave him a piece of jerky and that seemed to make him happy. Thank you for all the fun stuff you guys! I love you both sooooo much! There’s a GIANT package on it’s way to your house as we speak… You’re gonna explode with excitment when you get it.

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0 Responses to Eli and Heidi

  1. Kramers says:

    Told you the kids chose all the stuff!! Right down to the used lipstick:)
    Sent with love though. All of it.

  2. Sarah's Blog says:

    Ha ha.
    Those damn kids. 🙂

  3. Sithspawn says:

    And Fergus wearing that sweater he hated so much…

  4. Sarah's Blog says:

    He likes it when it’s cold!! 🙂

  5. emily says:

    my cat wednesday has the same hoodie, but in aqua and brown stripes! she mostly hates it.

    here she is in it

  6. Sarah's Blog says:

    Too funny. I almost bought that color… but thought the pink would go better with his eyes. 🙂

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