Had a fun dinner with my friends Wendy and Suzy the other night. Wendy and I lay in the grass in the back yard and watched Suzy and Fergus wrestle. Boy-howdy those two sure do have a special relationship. It’s like Wild Kingom + WWE + Rock of Love
Needless to say Fergus was tuckered out when we got home and crashed hard in bed with his favourite cuddle buddy Perogy Cat.Thanks Wendy and Suzy!!
Oh my, too cute!
Oh man, that warms my heart.
You know he's her only true dog friend. The only one she'll play with. He gives her something no other dog can so he's a special little guy.
Did you notice how she was going in for the head-hump after the sniff? But he headed her off at the pass!
good times…
Dogs are the best thing in the whole world.
Ahaha… All I see are their crazy tails! =]