I do so many interviews and the questions are almost always the same. What’s your favourite recipe? How long have you been vegan? Is your gray hair real? Or do you pay someone to do it that color? Same. Same. Same. Blah. Blah. Blah.
So… I had a thought this morning… Do you, my loving readers, have any burning questions you’d like to ask me? Questions about the cookbooks? About how to cook something properly? Question about veganism or a question about how to deal with a vegan problem in a non-vegan world? Maybe a boyfriend problem you need an answer for? 🙂 You do? Well then … Let’s do a interview!!
Send as many interview questions you want to sarah@govegan.net and I will do a vlogg. No questions out of bounds. Ask away!!
**Please include your name and location (city/state)
Sarah I love you and I’m going to ask you some serious and some silly questions, why? Because you are so freakin’ cool!!
Mk, serious question/problem, there is this guy I really like (and I think he likes me) I’ve been thinking about making the first move and asking him out (I wear the pants in the relationship)…but that’s not the problem. I know I want to kiss him, but I’m always terrified that when I go in for the kill the guy will run away screaming leaving me looking like a fish…what’s a good way to play down that incredibly embarrassing scenario? I was thinking about breaking into a fancy showtune, but I can’t always carry an accordion around with me.
Silly Question: What’s Fergus’ favourite colour? I know they say dogs are colour blind, but I think that’s bogus.
Serious Question: Do you think pink lipstick clashes with red hair?
Silly Question: If you HAD to give up one limb, which one would it be and why?
I thought I had more questions, but now I can’t think of anymore….darn….I’ll ask more later!
Oooh fun idea!
I am always astounded at the un-originality of people who interview us, too. It seems to me that if it is your job to ask questions they might think of something a little more interesting to ask than ‘how is it being in a band with your husband?’
Love your clothes! Are they made by you or just great finds? Also, your tattoos are awesome as well. Any great stories that go along with them? Thanks
Why do you think so many self-avowed environmentalists such as Al Gore refuse to see the connection between carbon emissions and the factory farming system (which is about 99% of meat these days)?
One’s diet is more of an influence on carbon footprint than transportation method. Sometimes it is hard for me to listen to their earnest appeals when I know they chow down on factory-farmed meat every day because they cannot imagine the deprivation of a vegetable diet.
Do you know any high profile environmentalists who have agreed to go vegan for environmental reasons?
Thanks, Kim
I echo the sentiments made already. I am a HUGE fan…but the biggest compliment to your recipes comes in the form of my non-vegan husband, who cooks for me, from your books. He loves them, especially the tortilla soup.
So here are some questions I have:
What did you do before creating HIAV?
What drives you to continue spreading the word of fine vegan fare despite (unfair) critisms you’ve receieved recently?
Do you see yourself extending beyond cookbooks? I know you’ve published great craft tips in your cook books?
Do you see a cooking collaboration at any point with Gerry or Isa Chandra?
What’s fergus’s favourite meal?
Thanks 🙂
I know you get asked what your favorite recipes are, but what I’d like to know is, what recipes do you make often? I know you are BUSY all the time, so it’d be interesting to know what quick fixes you make for yourself in your weekly routines.
Vegan poutine, is it possible?
Any tips for dealing with relatives over the holidays? (i.e. their questions/statements like “what DO you eat?” or “Vegetables would scream if they could.”)
If you could go back in time to see one concert, which one would you see?
Thanks and much love!
Prince George, BC
oooh! I have a new question!
What’s the most interesting thing you have found in your belly button?
Hi Sarah,
Do you have a vegan recipe to make plain popcorn taste better, and if you do, what is it?
Is it possible to make a vegan icecream cake like the one from Dairy Queen, but without the dairy in it?
What is the first dish/recipe you ever cooked?
How long have you been vegan? How long were you vegetarian before then?
What breed is Fergus, and how old is he?
I have one! Spritz with olive oil and dust with cayenne and chili powder, Delicious! Garlic powder would probably work well too.
I have some more questions 🙂
How long have you been into cooking and photography?
What made you want to open Tattoo Zoo?
One more question 😛 … how does it feel to be a vegan celebrity?
While it’s not a personal question, I totally second that Dairy Queen ice cream cake question. Ha.
Oh. And. Where would you live if Vancouver Island sank and you had to move somewhere else? My mom swears it’s going to happen.
I second the question about what kinds of meals you make on a regular basis. I’m always struggling to find quick weeknight vegan meals. You should have a weekly food blog where you post about what you ate during the week!