Birthday Boy

It’s Gerry’s birthday!! We had lots of plans that involved eating food, going hiking, eating more food, doing karaoke, etc etc … but the poor Dear is still too sick to have any fun – but Gerry is NEVER to sick for birthday presents. 🙂

I had his present sitting on my desk and he’d been eyeballing it all day …
photo-1Finally it was in his hot little hands … the excitement and anticipation grew!
photo 2-1What could be in this card??
photo 3-1OH  MY GOD! Ha ha ha!
photoEvery one of Gerry’s friends and family pitched in $$ so Gerry can buy the bicycle frame of his dreams!!
photo 2THANK YOU EVERYONE!! Gerry’s birthday this year was a huge success even with all the snot, fever and coughing! Photos of Gerry’s new bike frame soon … 🙂

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3 Responses to Birthday Boy

  1. Holly says:

    Best gift ever! Happy birthday Gerry!

  2. Hayley Hurl says:

    Happy Birthday Gerry!!!
    So excited that you get to build the bike you really want!
    Can’t wait to see pictures of it.
    You’re an awesome wife Sarah!
    Hayley xoxo

  3. AKM says:

    Happy belated birthday, Gerry!

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