Maria Wimmer

My dear pal Maria Wimmer drew this crazy portrait of me. She posted this on her instgram with the following beautiful words. She had me weeping. 🙂
screen-capture-6December marks 16 years that my husband and I have been vegan. When we first went vegan we were totally overwhelmed.
We bought a terrible vegan hippie cookbook and that was about all we had access to as vegans. The internet was not as helpful as it is now and just finding a store that carried tofu was a major score.
A year into being vegan we were very young and newly married and soooo poor. We splurged and went out for lunch at a vegetarian restaurant that had vegan options in Missoula.
While there I spotted the cookbook How It All Vegan. I bought it. We definitely could not afford it at that time, but we were desperate for a book that was not filled with super weird recipes.
We read that cookbook cover to cover. I learned so much about being vegan and about cooking. On top of the content we were drawn to the style and personality of Sarah Kramer; she seemed like someone we could be friends with…it was all so exciting.
So today I am happy to celebrate 16 vegan years and to commemorate that anniversary I have drawn my friend Sarah. Thanks for being an inspiration!
Love you MARIA and your sweet hubby E.K. Check out Maria’s artwork here (
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